
Monday 17 June 2013

Speech Assessment

L.I. - Present a formal speech

Captures your attention 3/5

Voice clarity / Pace 3/5
Volume 4/5
Posture / Eye contact 3/5

Topic is of interest to the audience 4/5
Meaning is clear 4/5
Ideas are presented in a logical order 3/5

Summarises ideas 3/5
Leaves audience with something to think about 4/5

Personality projected in speech:
Enthusiasm 5/5

Total:   36/50

One thing I think I did really well was using enthusiasm.
An element of persuasive speech that I used was engaging the audience with a hook.  The hook I used was a rhetorical question.
One thing to work on for next time is eye contact.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Veisinia
    You did really well in your speech contents, delivery and conclusion.
    Its always hard speaking infront of others, maybe for next time work on making a little more eye contact and you should be fine!
    Keep up the good work.


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